
Test all the components of your survey. Your survey is more than just the questions.

Take the time to design your survey

Constructing a survey instrument is an art in itself. There are numerous small decisions that must be made — about content, 措辞, 格式, placement — that can have important consequences for your results. 虽然没有一个完美的方法来实现这一点,OIRE是可用的([email]data@hmc).edu[/email]) to offer advice and guidance to help develop your survey. 此外, 社会研究方法 网站是一个很好的资源.


OIRE维持一个 调查显示日历,它显示了在校园里学生、教职员工在什么时间进行了哪些调查. Please contact us ([email]data@hmc.Edu [/email]),并让我们知道您的调查,我们会将其添加到日历中. This helps OIRE coordinate survey administration, make sure that HMC is not overburdening students, 教师和/或工作人员的调查请求,并帮助确保您的调查有更好的机会得到良好的回应.

Think about the length of your survey instrument

再考虑一下. 每增加一个问题,受访者完成调查的可能性就会降低. Don’t ask items you don’t know how you will use. 最好的做法是在调查邀请/指示中向受访者提供调查中有多少项和/或完成调查平均需要多长时间的估计.

Don’t ask if you know the answer

基本人口统计信息(性别、种族/民族、年级、专业等.)可透过OIRE查阅. 在适当的时候,不要问这些问题,OIRE可以为您提供这些数据. OIRE在创建数据文件时使用HMC ID作为人口统计数据和调查回复之间的链接. HMC也参与了许多 标准的调查. If the results of these surveys can answer the questions you have, 考虑使用这些结果,而不是进行你自己的独立调查. 你不仅可以更快地得到结果,还可以避免问HMC学生已经回答过的问题, 您将知道这些项目已经过独立测试和验证,您将确保良好的回复率. HMC参与的调查列表和可获得的信息类型可在 Institutional Results by Instrument.

Do not “force” a response to a question

通过这样做, 你可能会惹恼被告, causing them to abandon the entire survey, 或者鼓励他们以对你的调查产生负面影响的方式发表意见. 更重要的是, 自愿参与是指行使自由意志来决定是否参加任何研究活动, including answering a question on a survey. 国际法, 国家法律, and the codes of conduct of scientific communities protect this right. 来自CGU机构审查委员会的语言样本,包括在你的指示中:“这项调查完全是自愿的, and individuals may answer as few or as many questions as they wish.” OIRE does not force or request a response to any survey or question. 允许受访者决定他们想要分享多少信息.


在你的调查问卷发出之前,先找几个志愿者来测试一下是个好主意. 邀请试点测试者的语言示例:“在此调查之前向更广泛的受众发布, 我们要求一组精选的学生/教师/工作人员尽早回复调查,以便获得对问题的反馈, and to understand how long the survey takes to answer.“如果你不做任何改变,从试点测试到发布完整版本, this allows you to retain and use pilot test data. Many of us are concerned with getting as many respondents as possible. 虽然没有单一的方法可以提高你的调查的回复率, 这些研究(, 2007)确实指出了导致较高回复率的几个因素:

  • 调查的感知重要性(对学生、学院的价值、感知合法性)
  • Level of interest students/faculty/staff have in the topic
  • Trust that the data will be used and maintained properly
  • Perception of reward for participation
  • 尽量减少被告负担

记住这些, 这里有一些实际的考虑,可以帮助你的调查得到最好的回应:

Who the survey is “from” matters

Who will your intended audience respond to? It may be a department chair, a Dean, or OIRE. “学生院长办公室”不如“莱斯利院长”有效。. 确定调查对象可以帮助你获得更多的参与和更好的数据.

The “Subject” line of your invitation email matters

Think of your subject line as a headline. 应该是:

  1. Short (because people don’t read)
  2. Rich in in格式ion (clearly summarize the email)
  3. 前端加载关键字(因为人们只扫描项目列表的开头), 电子邮件收件箱是一个列表)
  4. 断章取义(你的邮件正在与其他邮件争夺注意力)
  • Provide the reader with a reason to explore your message further.
  • “帮助”和“提醒”会对调查参与率产生负面影响.
  • General Rule of Thumb: keep the subject line to 50 characters.
  • 提供本地化和上下文. “HMC核心课程校友调查”或“校友对核心课程的态度”比“校友调查”更有效.”


“亲爱的Alex”比“亲爱的2021届学生”好比“亲爱的HMC学生”好. “Dear Professor Xu” is better than “Dear Faculty”.


Any incentive program may require IRB approval. We recommend that you check with the 问IRB as soon as you have made a decision regarding incentives. Other helpful hints around the use of incentives are:

  • 激励措施的设计应保持调查的自愿性质. 请注意, 如果你提供激励, your survey is no longer anonymous, 因为研究人员需要知道参与者的身份,以便获得他们的激励.
  • Survey promotion (emails, flyers, etc.)不应过分强调激励措施,使参与调查的要求降到最低.
  • 奖励的数额或价值不应太大,以致显得强制性, 干扰学生的经济援助或违反NCAA资格规定.
  • If your incentive involves a drawing (i.e.(抽奖或彩票),你应该咨询加州法律,以确定你的彩票是否合法.
  • If you plan to utilize an incentive for your survey, 在所有参与者决定参加调查之前,您必须将有关激励的信息添加到所有参与者收到的指示中. 本节将描述, 详细, the incentive program including the amount that could be won, an estimate of the odds (if you are utilizing a drawing), and how any drawing or other incentive program would be conducted. If you are conducting a web administration, this in格式ion should be included on the “Welcome” page.
  • 其他考虑包括允许受访者选择他们的“奖励”(例如.g. please select your “thank you” gift: a) $10 Claremont Cash, b) $10 Amazon Gift Card; c) $10 donation to HMC’s Mary S Binder Prize or d) I do not wish to receive a gift) or making a donation for every valid survey response (e.g. 捐赠1美元.00 per survey response to a local charity or cause).

Set up your reporting before you launch the survey

You want the best survey possible. 为了获得高质量的结果,这意味着要提前做一些工作.

  • Enter variable names and values into your datafile.
  • Generate test responses (pilot test the survey).
  • Check and see that reporting is capturing data as you intend.
  • 创建一个分析策略(例如.g. 您将进行的分析列表).

For more helpful in格式ion, please consult: